1925-2020! A journey that inspired generations to achieve their future goals attaining moral and cultural values, morale, aesthetic views, and individual prosperity. It is the journey of 95 successful golden years driven by Meruvambayi M UP School. Inspired by the strong pursuit for something different in the field of education, driven by the educationists who believe in the realistic form of education for the generations to come, the School is reached its BEST in recent years!
Every child has the right to be valued and recognized. He has the right to be nurtured with values. He has the right to be empowered by the treasures of knowledge as well as moral and cultural values that we cherish and embrace in our daily life.
We promote values in the children along with their scholastic achievements through various activities. Empowering them by supporting their own personal attitudes and also their grudges if evoked, the children find happiness and attain the charm of personal attention in the society where they belong.
In the outset of the new era of education – Post COVID period – we also introduced a new way of ‘teach and study at home’ program, a complete digital platform of transferring ideas to future generations by connecting the number of online social media for the teacher-parent-student community. Powered by the innovative thoughts in the field of education we, as a Public School under the Education Department of Kerala, introduced the international way of the school system by applying a complete digital platform in the classroom for the first time in the same. Infra-structural development also became an international level.
In the Loving Memories of our Inspiring Souls…

Meruvambayi Educational and Charitable Trust
Board of Directors